Enlightening the World One Halacha at a Time

November 11, 2008

Parshas Breishis: Gashem or Geshem

It's a bigger fight than Ali-Frazer, has more ramifications than USA-Russia, and is even larger than the current US election. It rears it ugly head at this point int the year. Any guesses what it is?It is the age old fight between Geshem and Gashem. This past Wednesday we started saying Mashiv HaRuach in the Shemona Eshrei, and even Artscroll writes that some people say Morid HaGeshem (with a segol ) while others say Morid HaGashem (with a Kamatz ). Segol sounds like an "eh" and looks like this . . . Kamatz sounds like "ah" and looks like this T So which one is correct? Rav Geneck, of the OU and Rosh Yeshiva of YU, qoutes in his Sefer from Rav Soloveichick that this argument is really an argument in two Gemaras. The Bavli Gemara in Berachos says that if one forgot Mashiv Haruach, he cannot make it up in Shema Koleinu and thus if he finished the Bracha of where Mashiv Haruach should be (Mchayei Mesim) he must repeat Shemona Esrei. However, the Yerusalmi Berachos says that just as one can insert V'Ten Tal in Shema Kolenu if he forgot it in its right place (Barech Alenu) so too he can make up Mashiv Haruach if he forgot it in its proper place. Rav Soloveichick wanted to learn this argument was based on the following: When one adds Mashiv Haruach to the Bracha of Mchayei Mesim, do we view those added words as an integral component of the Bracha ( Etzem Habracha), or are they just an addition but do not affect the actual text of the Bracha (Hazkara B'toch HaBracha). According to the Bavli, Mashiv Haruach is an integral component of the Bracha and thus if you forgot to say it in Mchayei Masim it is as if you forgot to say any other part of the Bracha. And just as if you forget to say Hashem's name, for example, you must repeat the Bracha so too here if you forget Mashiv Haruach you must go back. However, the Yerusalmi learns that it is just an addition, having no affect on the core Bracha. Since by forgetting Mashiv Haruach you haven't messed up the core Bracha, it is enough to insert in Shema Koleinu. Based on this Rav Geneck ruled that since we follow the opinion that if you forgot Mashiv Haruach in Mechaya Mesim you must go back to the beginning (like the Bavli) we also rule that Mashiv Haruach is not an addition, but an integral part of the Bracha. Since it is an integral part of the Bracha one should pronounce Geshem with the Segel, which is used to show continution, and not a Kamatz (Gashem) which is used to show the end of an idea. However, based on this I don't know why anyone says Gashem, with a Kamatz. I would love to know if anyone knows. ( thehalachaboy@gmail.com )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

because the netziv proves the exact opposite from the fact that one must repeat!! see shu"t teshuvos vhanhagos vol 2. 58 in the brackets.
also the fact that one must go back to attah gibor proves that it's connected the first thought not the parnassa. see a great article on topic here: http://ohr.edu/4903

