Nevertheless, the Gemara, Avodah Zarah 76a, provides a leniency regarding kashering that may be applicable to Pesach. The Gemara states that if the item that was absorbed into the utensil was permissible at the time of its absorption and later became prohibited while already absorbed in the utensil, one may kasher the utensil through hagalah (boiling water) even if the manner of absorption was through a non-liquid medium. This principle is known as heteirah balah (it was absorbed as a permissible item).
There is a dispute among the Rishonim regarding the applicability of the heteirah balah principle to Pesach. Tosafot, Pesachim 30b, note that the absorption of chametz prior to Pesach might be considered a form of heteirah balah, (since at the time of absorption chametz is not prohibited) and therefore, utensils can be kashered through boiling water even if they absorbed chametz directly. However, many Rishonim disagree with the premise that chametz is considered heteirah balah. Ramban explains that vis-א-vis Pesach, chametz is never considered a permissible item. Although, it is permissible to eat chametz throughout the year, the chametz status always exists. The principle of heteirah balah only applies to an item that undergoes a status change from being completely permissible to becoming prohibited while it is absorbed in the utensil. [The Gemara's example of heteirah balah is the meat of a korban that is absorbed into a utensil and while it is in the utensil becomes notar (leftover meat), which is prohibited.] Bread even during the year is called Chametz,however a Karbon isn't called Nosar until after the permited time has passed. Therefore, there are no grounds to perform hagalah on a utensil that absorbed chametz through a non-liquid medium.
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