Enlightening the World One Halacha at a Time

April 4, 2008

Gefilte Fish Alert

It has come to the attention of Halachaboy that many people plan on eating gefilte fish this shabbas. However, since most gefilte fish contains matzo meal it is important to realize that if you make such fish through baking (no water medium) it is assur to eat the whole day. This is due to the fact that any Matzo product is assur to eat the entire day prior to Pesach (this year Shabbas), and thus matzo meal cookies and cakes are prohibited to eat on shabbas day. However, if the food item is made with matzo meal but it is cooked (through a water medium), since the Rabbis said once its cooked it losses the taste of matzo and thus it would be allowed to eat. So while the HalachStaff feels a great majority of people make the gefilte fish through cooking and not baking, those that do make gefilte fish through baking (apparently some people do) should not eat such fish this upcoming Shabbas.

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