Enlightening the World One Halacha at a Time

February 11, 2008

Can a Women Carry a Gun

This week's parsha, Parshas Titzaveh, spends great length discussing the garments worn by the Kohanim. While there is much to say on the topic, and I'm sure ParshaMan will, Halachaboy would like to discuss a more contemporary garment question. Can a woman carry a gun? A gun??? You say. A gun, I say. The issue is as follows. We all know one of the 613 mitzvos is that men can't wear womens' clothing and visa versa. The Gemara says that utensils of war are considered men's garments and thus are forbidden to be worn by women. STORY TIME Further, Rashi adds a fascinating insight into one of my favorite stories in Tanach. Sisra (bad guy) was fleeing from the Jews (good guys, at least at the time of the story) after the Jews had just beat Sisra's army in battle. Sisra takes a break from fleeing and hides in Yael's house. Yael fakes allegiance to the evil general, feeds him wine and milk- Sisra falls asleep and Yael kills him with a spike from the tent. Did Yael not have sword? Rashi answers, from this story we see woman can not wear/carry utensils of war. Rav Moshe was asked this question 28 years ago. Apparently, back then in Gush Etzion there were Arabs killing Jews (amazing how some things don't change) and the women in this city wanted to know if they could carry small pistols to protect themselves. I know you are all screaming isn't it Pikuach Nefesh and of course, it should be allowed- well Rav Moshe felt since the Arabs didn't have the guts to attack the city (unfortunately, now sometimes they do) and the only issue is when traveling, the woman could stay in the city or travel with men when they must leave. However, Rav Moshe rules that the sin of wearing clothing of the opposite sex is only when it is worn for beauty, attention or style, but if one were to wear it just to stay warm or dry (Hint: Gentlemen, give your ladies a jacket) or for safety it would be allowed. Since, ideally the woman of Gush Etzion would rather not have to carry a gun just circumstances require it- based on our logic wearing a gun would be allowed.. Further, Rav Moshe writes that if the threat is real not only should women carry guns but they are required to go to school to perfect their shooting and the gun should be carried in an accessible area, not a pocketbook. But what about our heroine (not drugs, but spelt the same [I think?]), Yael? Rav Moshe answers, that in that story Sisra was passed out in a stupor allowing Yael to easily use the spike, but in regards to the Arabs, who have no fear of the government or punishment, and rejoice in the death of innocent children, women from Gush Etzion would be allowed to carry guns. Have a good shabbas- and as we are in Adar- let us, men and woman, begin thinking about using our weapons on Amalek.

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