Enlightening the World One Halacha at a Time

December 27, 2007

Talented vrs Frum- Which Doctor do you go to?

The halachaboy was sick this week which got him and his trusty staff thinking about all different medical questions. When Halachaboy realized he was not a world renowned posek and his words would hold no weight by themselves he decided to look in the Sefer Iggros Moshe- Rav Moshe Feinstein's earth shattering responsa collection for some interesting medical questions. The following may be incoherent to you, but my head is pounding and stomach rumbling so read through it and take some pills of wisdom..... Rav Moshe was asked if one was sick and had a choice of two doctors to go to, one was frum but while qualified not as talented as choice two a non frum/non-Jew, which doctor should you go to? Rav Moshe answered that not only should one, but one has a requirement to go to the more highly talented doctor. It is interesting though that in the response Rav Moshe does not mention the reasoning is based off of pikuach nefesh - the frum doctor who isn't as good might kill you. Rav Moshe says that even though both doctors will heal you, the non frum doctor is the better choice because he possess a greater understanding of science. I thought this responsa answers up an age old question: Isn't taking medicine a lack of faith in hashem? Aren't we suppose to have bitachon Hashem will help us? I know we should't rely and wait for miracles but whose to say we are suppose to jump at the first solution either. According to Rav Moshe, sciene and medicine is a miracle- the fact man thought some fungus somewhere can cure or the fact you can put a poison (mercury) in a glass put in your mouth and it will tell you if your sick!!!!!!AMAZING! Further, since science is a miracle one is required to go to the doctor who poses the greater intelligence of such miracles. I apologize- for the brevity-- next week I will be back on my A-game

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