Enlightening the World One Halacha at a Time

October 7, 2007

Requirement of Eating Bread on Shabbas

As we are Jewish and for some reason we are pigeonholed into a stereotype of loving food let us begin with the requirement of Shalosh Seudos. I assume all of us eat meals at night and during the day, however I sense the we often fall short of the trifecta. The key for the first two seudas is you need to eat a kzayis of bread. Many of us often aren't careful enough with this and just nibble at the challah. In terms of Shalosh Seudas the Gemara writes there is a requirement to eat three meals on Shabbos and who ever eats three meals on Shabbos will be saved from three horrible punishments- the birth pains of mashiach, the state of gehinom, and the war of gog and magog. I have never endured any of those, but the Gemara makes no mention of an epidural -so let us be wise and just eat. The Mishna Brurah says if you truly are wise you won’t stuff yourself at lunch on those short shabbosim in order for there to be room in your tummy for the third meal.Next week we will discuss what you are required to eat at Shalosh Seudas.Q of the Week: There exists one Shabbos meal this year where bread is forbidden to eat. Name that Shabbos and meal.

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